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1 عدد تمبر راهبه - Roswitha von Gandersheim - جمهوری فدرال آلمان 1973
  • 1 عدد تمبر راهبه - Roswitha von Gandersheim - جمهوری فدرال آلمان 1973

1 عدد تمبر راهبه - Roswitha von Gandersheim - جمهوری فدرال آلمان 1973

بدون مالیات

Germany, Federal Republic 1973 - Roswitha von Gandersheim 1v


توجه : درج کد پستی و شماره تلفن همراه و ثابت جهت ارسال مرسوله الزامیست .

توجه:حداقل ارزش بسته سفارش شده بدون هزینه پستی می بایست 100000 ریال باشد .

Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim (Latin: Hrotsvitha Gandeshemensis), (c. 935 – c. 1002), was a 10th-century German secular canoness, as well as a dramatist and poet who lived and worked at Gandersheim Abbey in modern-day Bad Gandersheim, Lower Saxony, established by the Ottonian dynasty. She wrote in Latin, and is considered by some to be the first person since antiquity to compose drama in the Latin West.[1] She has also been called "the most remarkable woman of her time." [2]

Hrotsvitha's name appears variously in the forms Hrosvite, Hroswitha, Hroswithe, Rhotswitha, Roswit and modernized Roswitha. The name is Old Saxon for "strong honour", which she rather adventurously re-interpreted to mean "a clarion voice"[3] [4]

Hrotsvit presents Emperor Otto the Great with her Gesta Oddonis, in the background Abbess Gerberga, woodcut by Albrecht Dürer

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